
October 1-4, 2024
Santa Fe, NM

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Inner Explorer

Is your inner explorer lost in the wilderness of “adulting”?

Ever feel like your inner explorer got lost in the wilderness of “adulting”? Remember that insatiable curiosity we all had as kids? That burning desire to know EVERYTHING? It’s still there. It’s just hiding behind a mountain of responsibilities.

Think back — when was the last time your curiosity ran wild? When did something NEW spark your senses? Is it a hazy memory, lost in the fog of daily routines?

Curiosity can be rekindled! And not just for creative types — it’s a superpower we all share. And — it’s key to living an extraordinary life, not just ordinary.

Ready for a curiosity kick-start? Each week, I’ll be posting some little sparks of inspiration. Think of it like a crash course in becoming one of those super-driven Olympic athletes! By the time October rolls around, you’ll be ready to ignite your creativity, kick burnout to the curb, conquer any creative block, and feel like a curious kid again.

Until next week…stay curious!

re:gnite your curiosity

Newsletter 1The Future Legacy of Mark Coleran
Shout to John LePore and Jayse Hansen for this heartfelt retrospective. Take a look »

Curious Item 2Googly Eyes
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Five goofy little trains that could. Check it out »

I’m curious…

Has anyone truly comfortable ever done anything mildly extraordinary?

Curiosity can destroy comfort. Time to get out of your comfort zone!

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