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2024.07.24 Tool For Inspiration

The best idea, trick, and tool for getting inspiration

My design DNA, forged in the fires of graphic design, makes title design and FUI my motion design sweet spots. FUI – a term coined by the late visionary Mark Coleran – is an acronym for Fantasy User Interface.

More recently, FUI artists, like Jayse Hansen, have traded “Fantasy User Interface” for a newer iteration, film-UI (FUI). But for me, it’s not about the medium (film), it’s about the dreaming, about painting the future with pixels. Fantasy.

Coleran The Island

Think back to 2007. You’re watching The Island – a futuristic thriller about a seemingly utopian facility in the mid-21st century. Dr. Merric sits at his desk – which to my amazement, is a massive touchscreen! My first thought – I want one! This was one of Mark’s early works – a captivating blend of science fiction and reality, the scene drew inspiration from the iconic Minority Report.

To ensure an air of believability, The Island creative team sought the expertise of John Underkoffler, a visionary from MIT, who had previously consulted on Minority Report. Underkoffler’s guidance infused the project with a grounded sense of realism. His insights shaped the future imagined on screen by Mark.

I’m curious.

When you see creative work like this, you have to wonder…
Where do ideas come from? A question as old as time itself. Whether you’re crafting a breathtaking title sequence or sketching a fantastical user interface, it all begins with a spark of inspiration. But where does that spark ignite? What fuels the fire of creativity?

John Underkoffler suggests the best idea, trick, and tool for getting inspiration – is to go as far away as possible from the familiar.

Curiosity kick-start challenge

This week’s challenge has three parts. All the tools you’ll need are below in re:gnite your curiosity.

First, immerse yourself in the words of John Underkoffler. Next, dive into an interview with Mark Coleran, exploring the magic of collaborative inspiration and his work on The Island. The final step, the most demanding one, is how you translate this inspiration into action. Will it spark a fire in your professional life as a creative? Perhaps it will fuel an even wider curiosity that transforms your life’s journey.

Until next week…stay curious!

re:gnite your curiosity

Newsletter 1All Great Inventions Started With Someone Being Curious
A must see talk by John Underkoffler. Let’s go »

Curious Item 2The Surface?
Interview with Mark: the desk scene in The Island. Take a look »

The curious mind…

The curious mind… Keep part of your head – a separate self outside it – looking at the rest of the world…because there’s a lot of it to look at!

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